June 2012 Archives

June 29, 2012

Friday Reading #9

Episode #9 of the series that just keeps on giving out links....

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June 26, 2012

Of course “The Newsroom” gets bad press. The reviews are written in a newsroom.

I haven’t seen “The Newsroom”, but I have seen the reviews, and it hasn’t been pretty. Likewise “The Hour” didn’t win many rave write-ups either. The unfortunately unique thing is that when writing a show about journalism, your reviews are posted by the very people whose activity you are trying to dramatise.

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June 25, 2012

Editing the Guardian’s “Battle for the Internet” ebook

The Guardian recently published another ebook that I’ve edited for them: “ Battle for the Internet An open democracy or a walled garden?”. As has quickly become a tradition, here are my DVD extra behind-the-scenes thoughts on the editing process.

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June 22, 2012

Friday Reading #8

Here’s edition eight of “Friday Reading” - a list of links to long reads and articles I found interesting on the web about technology, journalism and teenagers texting dirty words to each other. So, go fill up your Kindle, Instapaper or Pocket app and enjoy these over the weekend...

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My Guardian career...the last word

I didn’t always get positive feedback about some of the things I tired to do when I was at the Guardian...

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June 21, 2012

Goodbye Guardian

Today has been my last day as a permanent member of staff at the Guardian...

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Behind the scenes at the ITV News redesign

Design agency Made By Many hosted a fascinating glimpse behind the scenes of the digital relaunch ITV News this week. Here are my notes on how they didn’t just redesign a website, they redesigned a newsroom.

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June 20, 2012

A Euro2012 victory for the Guardian’s live blogging tools

The Guardian hit an exciting milestone last night with our Euro2012 coverage - the first time that an England game has been live blogged using our new system.

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June 15, 2012

Friday reading #7

Edition #7 of my weekly round-up of articles I’ve enjoyed and noted so you can fill up your reading apps and devices for the weekend.

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June 14, 2012

So you think you want to be a UXer?

This week I’ve announced another training course that I’ll be running during the summer. “So you think you want to be a UXer” is the first training event I’ve run for Guardian Masterclasses. It will be in the evening of 28 August, at the Guardian’s offices in Kings Cross, London.

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June 13, 2012

My quick opinion of the Times Opinion on Tumblr

The Times new Opinion Tumblr doesn’t signal a retreat from the paywall - if anything, it potentially raises the “value for money” that customers think they are getting.

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The not-so-hidden cost of publishing ebooks on Amazon’s Kindle

There is a graph doing the rounds on the internet at the moment claiming that Amazon are giving independent publishers a raw deal over the cost of delivering books on Kindle devices. I’m perplexed. Amazon are very clear about the charges.

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June 11, 2012

Introducing... Emblem

I’m very happy today to be able to announce what I’m going to be doing next - I’m opening my own digital consultancy: Emblem.

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June 8, 2012

Friday reading #6

Here’s the sixth edition of “Friday Reading” - my weekly round-up of links to articles that caught my eye as I was wandering round the web and which I’ve enjoyed and wanted to share. So fill up your Kindle, Instapaper or Pocket app and get ready for the weekend...

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June 7, 2012

Forthcoming talks and training events

Next week I’ll be able to announce what I’m going to be doing post-Guardian. Until then, here is a round-up of four training courses and events that I’ll be teaching or talking at in the next few weeks.

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June 6, 2012

Forcing Hari to link only shows up how much the rest of the news industry doesn’t

The rehabilitation of Johann Hari continues apace with the publication of a column from him in GQ. The fact that he is being made to link out in footnotes is being seen in some quarters as a punishment. If only it was just normal best practice.

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You might have seen that the Usability Professionals’ Association has rebranded as the User Experience Professionals Association. Here’s why it has been a dreadful user experience for me.

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June 1, 2012

Friday reading #5

“Friday reading” has lasted a whole month now, so I guess you could call it a regular feature - gathering together some of the things I’ve read or noted over the week on a Friday, so you can load up your Kindle or Instapaper or Pocket app for the weekend...

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The great EU cookie wangdoodle

Some thoughts on what I’ve been calling the great EU cookie wangdoodle, including how I’d like people to re-think the complexity they are forcing on the user.

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