links for 2008-02-01
by Martin Belam, 1 February 2008
"Yes, her name was Daisy. Daddy, you have to go to Google…(thinks for a moment)… dot com and search for Daisy the Pig". Get 'em while they're young...
Seems harsh at first, but the owners "started to use the address to lead to a 'parked' web page with ads for social networking websites including MySpace. The arbitrator decided that this was evidence of abusive registration". Fair enough.
"The editor-in-chief of US trade magazine PR Week has apologised to subscribers after a glitch on its jobs website resulted in personal data, including passwords, being emailed to hundreds of users". Was this work sub-contracted to the British government?
"There's no lack of enthusiasm with the GovGeeks, but they seem to feel constricted by the currently slow moving, contract orientated ways of the civil service, as well as the ever changing grand plans from above". Sounds oddly familiar...
"Book-lovers will be checking out a unique new venue on Saturday: St James Street Open-Air Library. No payment, no tickets – just bring as many books as you like, and swap them.". Volunteer community action after the council shut the local library
"They've renamed the area in front of the building 'St James Street Open-Air Library'. They plan to hold book swaps there every month. No tickets, no payments: everyone is welcome to bring as many books as they like to swap". Official campaign site.