- How the memory plays tricks

 by Martin Belam, 3 March 2005

I wandered down to visit the BBC's Search team, who are no longer on the same floor as me in our new building, and was struck by a new display on the wall which illustrated the way the BBC's online search had changed over the years. One screengrab in particular caught my eye.

The BBC's Search page

"But of course", I said, "we never launched that".

I was, of course, wrong.

This page existed between the time the global toolbar was launched to rebrand the site as BBCi in late 2001, and when the search box first appeared as a major feature on the homepage around May 2002.

And I had completely forgotten about it.

And if you can forget something that big about what you were working on at the time, it makes you worry about what else has slipped the memory.

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