All your IA Summit slides are belong to us

 by Martin Belam, 1 April 2011

If you couldn’t get to the IA Summit in Denver this year, or if you fancy reliving your favourite presentation, or flicking through the slides from some of the sessions you didn’t see, then here is a (probably futile) attempt to gather together the blog posts or linklogs or slides that went with each of the talks.

If you know a link to one of the presentations that I haven’t been able to find, then please leave a comment and I’ll add it in.

Day one

Day two

Day three



Notes and photos and blog posts

And why the bad grammar in the title?

Way back in the steam-powered days of the internet, i.e. around about 2000, “All your base are belong to us” was an internet meme based on a bad translation of some text in the Japanese video game Zero Wing.

All your base are belong to us


Just wanted to leave a big THANKS for compiling this list! It is especially helpful for people who could not attend this year.

Some interesting stuff there, but it'd be easier to browse (and perhaps more valuable to future searchers) if added to the Lanyrd listing for the conference; Sadly, there don't seem to be any more slide decks linked to from that page yet, though.

Thanks for compiling this. I've just uploaded my presentation "Posting our Hearts Out" to Slideshare.

Thanks for compiling! Numbers are our Friends: Why IAs Make the Best 'Web' Analysts is on slideshare:

Martin, you sir, win an internet.

Two taxonomies and an itty bitty screen - designing for the Emergency Room
Poster is posted:


The first one you list - Design for the RUDES, is an old link to an earlier presentation. The one you want is here:

Tremendously helpful for IA/UX students beginning class tonight.

Keep up to date on my new blog