links for 2010-11-15
by Martin Belam, 15 November 2010
"Today I start a new job, Director of Digital Strategy at Guardian Media Group". Congratulations Matt.
Great blog post from Karen illustrating how just saying something is important and elevating it into sitewide navigation, doesn't actually *make* it important to the business.
"The technology universe is just now providing us with some mapping possibilities to find ourselves in space and time. It can now tell us more than ever before about our own personal histories, and how they intersect with other people and events."
Fascinating essay from Robert Niles, which made me start to think about the 'information architecture' of reporting, as well as the 'information architecture' of the finished news porduct
Gets a bit too theoretical for me, but a look at how some academics have argued that listening to morbid country music makes people slightly more prone to commit suicide.
"Quite how soon that Windows-free day will come is hard to guess. It sounds a bit like a world without physical newspapers: lots of people foresee it, but the convenience of a paper (and of Windows) is hard to give up."