Would you like to write for FUMSI?

I'm embarking on my next round of commissioning for FUMSI magazine, where I am contributing editor for the 'Share' section, and so wondered if anyone reading the blog or following me on Twitter would be interested in writing for us. Articles are written by people with domain expertise, and are generally 800-1200 words long. They are published on fumsi.com, and in a PDF magazine sent to subscribers. The audience is information professionals working in a wide range of verticals, on both sides of the Atlantic and beyond.
The topics I am looking to cover in my next set of articles are:
- eReaders and DRM - explaining why digital books are not going to be interoperable in the near future
- eReaders in the library - what opportunities do these new book formats open for specialist and generalist libraries?
- Over-sharing - in using social media and social networks, how can we guard against unwittingly giving away valuable personal data and business intelligence?
- Linked data, Open data and the semantic web - I'm looking for a broad introduction to the topic, explaining the differences in the approaches, and providing a glossary for terms like RDFa, SPARQL, OWL, FOAF etc
- Microformats - again, a broad piece introducing the concept of microformats, showing the range of vocabularies available, and showing some tools and services that are enhanced because of microformats
- Collobaration using SharePoint - I'd be very interested in a case study of a business collaboration that was driven by using Microsoft's SharePoint
- "Clip for later" - a comparison of some services like Instapaper, Read it later Firefox extension and Iterasi's Page Notary Tool, which clip and store web content for later re-use
- HTML5 for Information Professionals - something akin to my 'HTML5 for Journalists' piece, but with a focus on info pros and the specific challenges of the corporate technology environment.
- "From desktop to tablet" - a piece looking at how the move from the traditional desktop computer set-up to portable tablet devices changes the way we need to share and present information and data.
As examples, here are a couple of recent articles I commissioned:
- "Putting the office into our pockets" by Marcus Austin
- "The social intranet fires-up knowledge sharing" by Toby Ward
If you are interested in writing one of the articles mentioned above, or would like to offer to co-write one of them with me, then please email me or get in touch with me via Twitter, where you can find me as @currybet.