links for 2010-09-30
by Martin Belam, 30 September 2010
An excellent put-down.
Basically your brand new 3D & HD kit and channels already have built-in obsolescence.
"Personally, whenever I've done some live blogging I've always felt it would be better if there were at least two people contributing to it to compensate for my own live blogging inadequacies. One blogger could get down the outline facts and key points, the other could provide instant analysis and comment. Perhaps even a third could pull in information from other sources."
"In some cases, digital strategy [at newspapers] is led by those with technological expertise; in others, it is in the hands of commercial colleagues. Occasionally, excessive influence is exerted by people with no record of achievement in journalism, technology, or business."
Gallery of old skool infogrammations doing the rounds on Twitter yesterday.