links for 2010-06-03
by Martin Belam, 3 June 2010
In order to avoid spamming my regular followers with tons and tons of World Cup related tweets over the next few weeks, I've set up a specific World Cup Twitter account as @cbet2010.
The march of the shortform link continues. You can now find out the short version of the URL on any article on The Guardian site by using the 'Share' widget.
"Back in March when we announced Gravatar profiles, your profile page remained private so that only you could access it. Now that you’ve had a chance to update your information and make sure that only details you want public are there, let’s open things up. It’s been just over 2 months and more than 300,000 people have updated their details so it’s time to do what we’ve been really excited to do since we first announced profiles: As of right now, your profile page on is open to public linking!". Excellent. Yet another blah-blah-dot-com/currybet to maintain ;-)
"Collaborative working environments are great, but sometimes they can get a bit noisy and the distractions prevent you from focusing". Instead of asking the monkey, I tend to duck out to a cafe. Years of working remotely in bars in Crete seems to have conditioned me to be more productive when sitting alone in a busy place.
"ubimark has published a special edition (aka a “ubitour” version”) of Around the World in 80 Days by Jules Verne. Along with the text, the book is 'enhanced with QR codes' and other material. The content is accessed via an iPhone/Touch/Pad app."
" disabled comments on its running story on the Whitehaven shooting today following complaints from readers, including one saying it was acting like Fox News."