I'll be 'The information architect with an identity crisis' at this year's EuroIA

 by Martin Belam, 1 June 2010

This year, #euroia in Paris will be featuring speakers from 14 countries! I think that's a record.less than a minute ago via Eric Reiss

The formal announcement of the programme has yet to be made, by as you can see from Eric's tweet above, the line-up at this year's EuroIA in Paris is going to be the most diverse yet. I'm very pleased to be able to say that I will be part of it, presenting "The Information Architect with an 'Identity' crisis":

"The design pattern of 'sign in with Facebook' or 'use your Twitter account' to register and use other services socially on the web has become more established over the last year, but integrating this into a website can be a tricky user experience to get right. It also poses specific challenges to the Information Architect.

This presentation uses real examples of documentation produced during a six month project attempting to solve this problem for a large media company. It illustrates some approaches that worked, some approaches that didn't, and will focus on three key areas: Documentation, "Future-proofing" and ethics."

It will be the first time I've talked in public about the 'Identity' project I've been involved with at GNM since before Christmas. By then some of the first fruits should be live on the guardian.co.uk site, and I'm looking forward to being able to share some of the thinking and documentation behind them.

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