links for 2010-01-06
by Martin Belam, 6 January 2010
"I see from today's papers that technological change, and the passing of 42 years, hasn't changed the way we cover the weather, nor, of course, the clichés we employ."
Front pages like this, and they still claim it is the world's greatest newspaper.
"Without harming a single person, even himself, Addulmuttalab has succeeded in causing chaos in international travel, making an already nightmarish situation worse for millions of travellers - with, so far at least, very little dissent".
"The article was so obviously in breach of the PCC's code on privacy, not to mention accuracy, that it should never have been published in the first place though; why then should the paper get away without making anything approaching an apology, only having to print a clarification buried away on the letters page? As long as the PCC remains so toothless in the face of such egregious breaches of its code, the campaigning will continue not just for reform but potentially for independent regulation of the press".