Contribute your information sharing new year resolutions to December's FUMSI magazine
I'm putting together my contribution to December's issue of FUMSI, and I'd like your help.

With it being the last issue of 2009, I'm hoping to put together a list of people's information sharing new year resolutions. What are you hoping to achieve in an information sharing role in 2010? What trends will you be looking out for? Is your ambition to remember to call the SLA by their new name AskPRO, to go to more networking events, or just to cling on to your job in a downturn? Are there software and services you've been meaning to try and never get around to, or are there working habits you've been meaning to drop for years? Are you determined to find out what the hell Google Wave is actually for?
Your message can be as short as a tweet, or up to 300 words. You can send them to me via Twitter (@currybet), by using the comment form below, or by emailing me -
You don't have to be an information professional to take part - I'm looking for a range of views, and I'd very much welcome contributions from some of the more media/journalism orientated amongst you.
If you've not looked at FUMSI before, or haven't seen it for a while, here are some of the articles I've commissioned this year:
- "Get to Know Your Plumbing: Protecting Your Organisation From Leaking 'Soft Information'" by Karen Lawrence Öqvist
- "Social media strategy: How I Became an Expert in Three Days" by Ann Danylkiw
- "Guardian Research and Information: The Evolution" by Richard Nelsson
- "Sweeble: Making Print Production Accessible" by Sue Greenwood