links for 2009-08-12
by Martin Belam, 12 August 2009
"Our lives on this planet are short. We can only fit in so many projects, businesses and relationships in our average 70+ years on this planet. Why on earth should we invest a sizeable percentage of that precious fleeting existence on something that is doomed to failure from the outset? Why do we fight on investing more emotional and financial resource into something that will never ultimately work? So, test for failure early, quickly, and cheaply."
Whilst I'm not advocating you download the naughty mp3 rips included on this blog post, I do endorse the sentiment about this anecdote: "A friend who stays in Brighton (Cave territory) has given me two recent Cave anecdotes...he was spotted at a Xmas panto with his kids starring none other than Chico (he of X-Factor 'fame'). At the finale of the show Nick Cave was clocked dancing about waving a massive foam hand singing along to 'It's Chico Time'. No photo I'm afraid, but I so want to believe it. You gotta love him...". A mental image that will put a smile on my face all day.
"If you've got your PR team sending the track out by email, it's not actually a leak, is it?". I'll wager they've got a 'viral' video that you've never been sent as well mate...
Absolute classic paragraph halfway through this article: "Were I not compiling this post in my car on a dongle-connected laptop in a weak signal area next to a field of West Country cows I'd dig around to see if the costs are higher than originally planned. Given that I am, indeed, blogging in the circumstances described, such inquiries will have to wait. Any informative comments about the matter will therefore be gratefully received."
"Richard Desmond's Express Newspapers has been found to have disguised advertorials as features in a tactic the advertising watchdog said aimed to 'intentionally' dodge the advertising code."
"Mail Online, the UK’s most visited newspaper website, is to stop moderating user comments". Dear New Media Age, reactive moderation != no moderation. That is all.
"One thing I'm not clear about is why did the BBC name Connelly and Barker on its website and on Newsnight just after 11pm on Monday? It had been reported that the court order was due to end at midnight. Was it because the first editions of the national newspapers had splashed on the story?"
Unfortunately for designers and IAs like me, the correct answer to this question is in fact 'Both'
"Companies that are scrambling to 'catch up' when it comes to social media need to understand this; Don't focus on understanding how to use the individual tools, focus on understanding WHY people are using the tools. Why is Twitter so popular? Why did Facebook want to buy Friendfeed? What does the rise in popularity of these tools mean for usage of other social media tools such as blogs and podcasts?"
Emily Bell stepped in here to quash the suggestion that this "members club" story equated with ring-fencing some web content behind a paywall
Paul Bradshaw's take on reports of a Guardian Readers Club