links for 2009-08-01
by Martin Belam, 1 August 2009
"There will be readers of this article who are not old enough to remember the controversies of the early 1990s about whether the internet should ever be used for 'commercial purposes' – where anyone who was thought to be advertising was anathematised and 'flamed'. These arguments must seem vaguely comical to a generation that has known the global network only as a commerce-driven machine, a place where fortunes are made – and probably more often lost."
"The examples below will show designers using the most basic video production tools with a little creativity to create compelling scenarios. We will also look at how larger companies are using professionally made video to tell stories about their own concepts."
"I was asked recently if I’d mind sharing the list of sites I watch and read for inspiration and interesting information about UX and design. So here it is, in no particular order".
Fantastic list of UX people on Twitter from Elizabeth Buie