London IA Mini Alpha & Beta tonight in Soho
If, like me, you are not at UX London today, then you can at least follow the sterling work that @leisa has been doing live-tweeting the event. The hashtag is #uxlondon. Leisa is going to be busy today, as this evening she'll be swapping her reporter's role for a presenter's one.
To coincide with UX London, tonight from 8pm the Sense Loft in Soho is hosting the second of our London IA Mini Conference series.

As well as Leisa Reichelt, there will be short talks and informal discussion from Angel Brown about 'Actor Network Theory', Luke Perman on Axure, Jason Mesut on 'Ego vs. empathy', David Jarvis on improving conversions on travel sites, and Ian Fenn talking about call centre design. We are also expecting guests along from Clearleft and UX London.
Tickets sold out in a shot when they became available, and so if you weren't able to get into the event there are a couple of alternatives. I'll be taking over from @leisa on the live-tweeting duties, using my @currybet_live account, and any other coverage on the night will be tagged #iamini - although there is some scheduled Twitter downtime this evening so YMMV.
If, instead of hunching over your Twitter client, you fancy a post-UX London chat and a drink amongst IAs and UXers, then head to the London IA Mini Beta event. Hosted in the Slug & Lettuce in Soho, just round the corner from the Sense Loft, there is a table reserved for us from 6pm in the name of Johanna Kollmann. I hope to see you at one or the other this evening.
“London IA: Notes from the talks”
Martin Belam, foreword by Ann McMeekin Carrier
London IA is a network of designers, information architects and thinkers. Since 2009 the group has been holding regular meetings featuring talks about UX, or of interest to UXers. This ebook is a compilation of my notes from those evenings, featuring talks by Andy Budd, Giles Colborne, Cennydd Bowles, Claire Rowland, Jason Mesut, Ben Bashford, Chris Heathcote, Dan Lockton, Relly Annett-Baker, Michael Blastland, Margaret Hanley and Richard Rutter amongst others. Topics covered range from ubicomp to psychology, from learning how to sketchnote to how to write a UX book, and how to improve digital design through diverse routes like copy-writing, designing for doubt, learning from music technology or taking care of typography.
“London IA: Notes from the talks” is available for Kindle for £2.47.
Well, the first thing I want from a user experience is not to be baffled by abbreviations like "UX"...