links for 2009-05-06
by Martin Belam, 6 May 2009
Another self-organised event from the members of the London IA group is sold out. It looks to be a great evening as well, with people going through some of the persona development work they have done. Well done Jane, I wish I could squeeze in.
"The Journal of Information Architecture is an international peer-reviewed scholarly journal. Its aim is to facilitate the systematic development of the scientific body of knowledge in the field of information architecture."
I'd like to put together a more eloquent response to this if I have time, but it seemed to me all a bit "People's Front of Judea! Judean People's Front?". Yes, some designers can make really good wireframes. And you get some really bad user experiences if people just expect designers to deliver coloured-in wireframes. But describing the user flow possibilities of a taxonomy-driven AJAX-delivered site using pixel-perfect PSD files can also be a bit sub-optimal for developers and business stakeholders ;-)
Comments can be so cruel - jgonzz said: "If your writing is so weak that you are depending on 'lifetime employment', you should kill yourself".
This looks really, really interesting, but probably a bit too terrifyingly geeky for me I fear.
"It was telling that Damian McBride's emails contained references to Frances Osborne's state of mind - as if it would be a bad thing that she was upset by her husband's political misfortunes". One of the best things about the British media is that to even suggest such a thing about Frances Osborne and not publish it was a resigning offence, but, once it has been put in the public domain, to keep trotting it out as a counterpoint in opinion pieces is fair game...
"'Do you have a social media strategy?' I asked. 'Absolutely,' she said. 'Of course we're doing social media. We've got a Facebook page!' If I had a dollar for every time I've heard a marketer say that, I'd be losing a lot less sleep during this economic crisis"
From the comments: "Surely you know the reason why the name of Baby P's mother is kept secret is to keep secret the names of her other children? Surely you accept that they are entitled to anonymity?". It is currently getting voted down...