links for 2009-03-30
by Martin Belam, 30 March 2009
"The few small steps I've ventured into your industry from my own has left me shaking my head at these moron Hollywood sheep people who think they're on the cutting edge, because they use Facebook."
Sadly, in all of the spluttering outrage, the Daily Express has somehow neglected to mention that the money Jacqui Smith was claiming for may have ended up in the pockets of the person who owns Television X. Bugger me if that isn't a certain Mr Richard Desmond, owner of the Daily Express. What an astonishing oversight.
"In this case the rule is that no organisation can have more than 25 per cent of advertising in an area". As ever, when calculating this sum, I'm fairly certain that the powers-that-be will not include figures for Google, eBay or Gumtree as slices in the"local" advertising pie-chart
"No man (or woman) is an island – and this statement can’t be any truer if you’re a designer or developer. Though paid/subscription services like Basecamp and Zimbra are great, individuals strapped for cash have a ton of alternatives that provide similar (if not better) features."
"Even though Anthony and I disagree about a number of things, one thing that we do agree on is that music recommendation is broken in some rather fundamental ways". Is this the follow up to My TiVo thinks I'm gay?