Wireframing the front page: Part 4 - The Times

 by Martin Belam, 13 February 2009

This week I've been looking at various ways of comparing the newspaper printed front page with their online equivalents. Yesterday I looked closely at the Daily Mail and the Mail Online, and today I want to look at The Times.

The Times The Times

The Times print proportions

We can see a big contrast here between The Times print and web incarnations. 72% of the surface area of the printed front page is given over to carrying stories. By contrast, only a quarter of the online screen real estate carries news.

The Times online proportions

The vast bulk of the online homepage is made up of navigation (30%), third-party advertising (16%) and promotions for content elsewhere on the site (15%).

Pie-chart key
The Times pie-charts
Masthead 12% 9%
Top story 31% 8%
Other stories 40% 17%
Navigation 0% 30%
Advertising 0% 15%
Promotions 17% 16%


Tomorrow I'll be carrying out the same exercise for a 'red top' tabloid - The Sun.

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