links for 2009-02-17
by Martin Belam, 17 February 2009
Larry Small suggests that the advertising dollars are not flowing towards hyperlocal news and listings experiemnts in the USA.
"Last night I discovered reports via WebmasterWorld that shows Google testing a flavor of Google SearchWiki directly on the paid ads, also known as AdWords results. Here is a screen capture of that in action". I see a new Mechanical Turk hit in the future - voting down your competitor's adverts
"The closed collections of tight and dark book stacks, card catalogues and strictly silent environs of the typical university library of the 1970s and early 1980s, protected by the custodianship of the librarians, is seldom seen in Australia today". [via City of Sound]
"I'll detail elsewhere some of the things that have happened in the past week, but for now I thought it might be worth linking to some of the coverage [of the Media Standards Trust report]"
"The Sun, which broke the story on Friday over three pages and ran video of the 13 year old on its website, has boasted that the story broke its record for online web traffic". So even if it gets a slap on the wrist from the PCC, it probably isn't going to care *too* much - and I assume in their defence they will cite the record traffic as evidence of it being in the 'public interest'. Interesting to see the PCC being pro-active over child
warfarewelfare issues though.
"child warfare issues"? Interesting slip of the tongue there Martin...
Thanks Rob - I just knew that getting a proper job again was going to affect the quality of the blog, but I didn't realise that my spelling would go downhill this fast!