links for 2008-11-09
by Martin Belam, 9 November 2008
D'oh the irony - just as the 'greedy' BBC linkstorm fades, BBC Radio Labs blogs shows actually how important that external linking data can be. They are using the external links to automatically produce custom news feeds for individual artists
Simply awesome post about the shape of wifi in buildings and how it affects people, with some great visualisations and sketches. Awesome.
"One of our doctoral students spent Election Night grabbing screen captures from 98 different news Web sites, from about 11:30 P.M. EST until almost 6 a.m. Wednesday morning. The fruits of his labor are viewable at Iterasi, a free Web site that allows you to capture and save any Web page — with all its text selectable and its links still clickable — with a single click. How cool is that?". Really cool is the answer.
Maybe I'm not understanding it properly, but aren't those custom news feeds for musicians on the BBC Music Beta just links to related BBC news articles?
I know we've been here before but shouldn't the BBC be doing more to link to publishers beyond the BBC site?