Download 'A lifetime of lost playlists'
It was described as a 'freakily insular memoir-cum-meditation' by Bill Wyman's "Hitsville" blog. No, not that Rolling Stone Bill Wyman, although the real deal featured in part 4 of the series in question.

I'm talking about my lengthy "A lifetime of lost playlists" set of articles, which has been gaining quite a few links around the web.
Aside from the Hitsville blog, the series was also kindly posted to Metafilter by Feeling Listless. As ever, that brought a rapid spike of new users to the site. One of them wasn't that impressed with my music taste:
"2005 - now: The Strokes, Franz Ferdinand, The Killers - I lol'ed."

Now, that may seem a bit mainstream and tame compared to when I used to listen to a steady diet of Swans, Non and Slab!, but given that earlier in the article I had confessed to a lifetime's musical taste including Haircut 100, The Thompson Twins and Wally Whyton, that seems the least of my crimes!

Anyway, the reason for bringing it up again is that you can now download the whole 12 part series as one easily printable PDF document.
Download 'A lifetime of lost playlists' PDF version
Well, I say easily printable, but it runs to 60-odd pages with the images, so probably best to print it double-sided, two pages to a side...