links for 2008-06-21
by Martin Belam, 21 June 2008
"Please stop inviting him [Andrew Keen] to conferences. Charlie Beckett from Polis, on the other hand, is a considered voice of reason. If you can avoid smashing your laptop whilst watching Keen, Beckett's well worth watching."
Another great set of tips from Karen - I like the idea of 'take the internet away' making you more productive. I just wish that OTE in Greece hadn't taken the Internet away virtually permanently from my house thanks to their broadband 'strategy'.
"The piece assumed that in the future animals would have to justify their existence by proving their usefulness to humankind. That's a far cry from today when we're trying to save polar bears, which everyone knows are lazy and deceitful". Heh!
More importantly, why are scientists calling the trenches things like 'Dodo-Goldilocks' and 'Snow White 2'? It is like putting *nix programmers in charge of product naming conventions - that's how you end up in charge of an 'A-Z-o-tron'.
Described thus on Sphinn by MattMcGee: "By default Google opts advertisers into everything. Whether you're launching a new campaign using Google AdWords or editing an existing one, follow these 4 steps to avoid the ignorance tax."
"Why does Case A get rewarded and lauded? Why does everyone involved in Case B get called out for being the scourge of the internet? Why are all the Case B websites penalized, filtered, or in some cases completely annihilated from internet visibility."
"The Google News Blog announced that they will be running limited tests on the Google News portal and search engine. Google did not specifically let us know what they are testing within Google News."
"All media need to think about being global brands. We have the competitive journalistic legacy of Fleet Street that gives us a competitive advantage", encouraging comments from Martin Clarke, who sees Google News, Sky and the BBC as peers