links for 2008-05-27
by Martin Belam, 27 May 2008
"Marvellous picture taken by Allouette, and (c) her good self" of a gaggle of Amish girls in a video arcade.
"The widespread adoption of broadband and upgrades to the internet's underlying infrastructure have removed many of the technical barriers to online storytelling". Come to Greece & try and tell me that Dan! The rest of the article makes good points though
"Almost none of our worries about the security implications of this scheme have been answered, but it seems that an incredible amount of tax money is going to be spent - £50 million for only 10,000 units i.e. £5,000 each."
You know, sometimes I think that we spend so much time worrying about how to level our own UK broadcast and print media playing field, that we haven't noticed that Google have already run off with our ball...
"The most common reason given for these requests [to delete user comments or quotes] is that the offending item appears near the top of a list of search results when the requester's name is put into a search engine."
Of course, one way to instantly end this debate would be to get the auditors to centrally procure the same stats package for eveybody who wanted to claim to have their figures audited accurately ;-)
I'm so glad that space is as exciting again as when I was a kid.