links for 2008-05-22
by Martin Belam, 22 May 2008
[In the 1925 article] "Expect Movies to be Produced in Every Home," Cecil B. DeMille predicts not only home movies of the future, but the rise of the amateur filmmaker as a force in the film industry". Damn citizen film-makers...
"A lot of confusion and misunderstanding surrounds the term 'user experience.' The multitude of acitivities that can be labeled with these 2 words span a vast spectrum of people, skills and situations. If you ask for UXD, what exactly are you asking for?"
More media 'trust' linkage from Adrian. Now in nice new sparkling templates.
Some sort of affiliate program for users of MSN Live Search
"Blogging is harder to scale than many businesses because it requires fresh content to be churned out, without that your blogs traffic will decrease down to a certain low plateau and stay like that."
"Ironically if you think about it, a recent slew of (intriguing) articles teaching tactics to defend reputation disasters could actually empower evil losers to pull the trigger with cunning focus and killer professional techniques."