My IA Summit plans
by Martin Belam, 7 April 2008
Karen Loasby just published the schedule of what she is hoping to attend at the IA Summit this weekend, which prompted me to sit down and do some early planning to make sure I get to see all that I want to see.

Fortunately, it seems that all of the sessions will be available for download in audio format after the conference, so you can't completely miss anything, and luckily there don't seem to be too many big clashes in what I want to attend. I shall hopefully be poking my nose into:
- Journey to the Center of Design - Jared Spool
- Integrating web analytics into information architecture and user-centered design - Hallie Wilfert
- Do real people really use tag clouds?: Research to help distinguish between web 2.0's hits and hype - Garrick Schmitt
- A management fable: The little UX that went a long way - Dan Willis
- How to be a user experience team of one - Leah Buley
- Extending the gaming experience to conventional UI’s - John Ferrara
- Content page design best practices - Luke Wroblewski
- The information architect and the fighter pilot - Matthew Milan
- Panel: Developing junior programmes in UX teams - Margaret Hanley, Anne Stevens, Karen Loasby, Henning Fischer
- Search Patterns - Peter Morville
- Designing for the social: Avoiding anti-social networks - Miles Rochford
- Good news on your cell phone: Optimizing the user experience - Jorgen Dalen, Tone Terum
- Re-experiencing information: Dealing with user-submitted data - Lucas Pettinati
There are still a few slots where I am a bit unsure where to head, so it looks like a case of back to the abstracts for me...