links for 2008-03-26
by Martin Belam, 26 March 2008
Predictions aren't what they used to be : March 2008 : Shane Richmond : Technology : Telegraph Blogs"Newspapers over the internet? Ridiculous!"
"It's hardly the latest craze - barely anyone knew about it until this news story broke. This news story is doing nothing more than advertise the website further - Alex Blackmore, West Sussex".
"These badges do more than render an RSS feed as a list. If the feed contains photo data, you can get a slide show. And if the feed contains geocoded data, you can get a map badge". Ooh, clever.
"You might not even need to develop new content. You could simply collect articles or media you’ve produced and situate them in a frame which appeals to a specific audience profile".
"I noticed a significant change in advertising, from train to television. The trend? No more printed URL's. The replacement? Search boxes! With recommended search terms!". Great article spoilt by rather patronising assumption there is no SEO spam in Japan
"More often than not this strategy works, as the vast majority of these defendants never see the inside of a courtroom, simply because even if the innocent defendant were to win his case on the merits, he more than likely would lose in his pocket book."
Wow. Search boxes in Japanese adverts.
That's clearly an indicator of the future of the rest of the world, and in no way a result of -- say -- search engines working in Kanji, but DNS being:
a) For the most part, entirely in Latin script, and
b) In every case, partly in Latin script.
So far, 57 people (including the author) over there haven't figured this one out.
I hate people.