IA Summit bloggers mash-up feed
Last week I published a list of 37 bloggers who are participating in the 2008 IA Summit in Miami in April. As well as in individual list, there was an OPML file to allow you import all of the sites into your feed reader of choice in one go.

I've now put together an alternative way to subscribe to them.
I've mashed 35 of the feeds together using the awesome Yahoo! Pipes - partly thanks to Kevin Cheng who features on the list, who worked on the Pipes product.

Now, if you've got more than a passing interest in this Information Architecture thing, you may well not need another route to subscribe to blogs from James Robertson or Peter Morville. However, whilst I've been debugging it, I've found it makes a very nifty little live bookmark in Firefox, and will (hopefully) give you a river of UX and IA stuff in the run-up to the conference.

Using the principle that I've always applied to my Chipwrapper RSS feeds, when putting RSS from different sources together I always think it is helpful to identify what comes from where. To that end, if you subscribe to the combined IA Summit 2008 Bloggers feed, you should find that the titles of all the posts are pre-pended with the name of the author.