links for 2008-01-17
by Martin Belam, 17 January 2008
'Darkest ever' material? They've obviously never heard the demo tapes of my late 80's electronic gothic phase...
"This image was taken today by the MESSENGER spacecraft at a distance of 17,000 miles following the closest approach to Mercury". Oooh! New space stuff.
That's what I like about nostalgia these days, you don't just get to remember the game, you get a link to go *play* it again.
"1% of juveniles appear to be addicted to the Internet, while 20% are considered a high danger group. 4% of children have been harassed on the net. Boys prefer violent games and girls purchase products and meet people". No stereotyping in Greece then.
"The Union denounces black out tactics, systematic disinformation, leaks for the government and the attempt to hold journalists responsible, phenomena of cannibalism, yellow journalism and misleading scenarios that divert journalists from their role". Eh?
Sugarenia on how nicely CNN have implemented their video playlist functionality
"Mark Thompson is right to recognise is that if we're all paying, then we all have a right to know how the BBC is run. That's why he came to answer our readers' questions". Shane with some very interesting background info on Mark Thompson's Q&A session.