Rarer than hen's teeth - No football on the BBC Sport homepage
A bit of a sporting collectors item over the weekend on the BBC Sport website homepage.
Thanks to the incredible array of global sporting events going on - most of which seemed to be taking place in England for some reason - there wasn't room for any football stories at all on the homepage on Saturday afternoon.
With the F1 Grand Prix at Silverstone, England in action against the Windies in the cricket, the climax of Wimbledon, and the once-in-a-generation appearance of the Tour De France on the streets of London, it was 'other' sports all the way.

I must confess I was more than a little gutted to miss Le Grand Départ in London. Ever since it was first announced that Le Tour would be starting in my hometown it has been a fixture on my calendar, and I fully intended to fly from Greece for it.
However, what with one thing or another, it turns out that my brief sojourn in London for work this summer will be frustratingly at the end of July, coinciding with the climax of the tour over the water in Paris on the 29th, rather than during the start of the tour in London. Ho hum.