BBC News linking to the TRNC "government" in Cyprus related stories
The BBC has been reporting today on the demolition of one of the barriers along the Green Line in Nicosia, Europe's last remaining divided capital.
I was interested to note that in their related internet links section on the story they choose to link to not just the legitimate sites of the EU, Greece, Turkey and the island's Greek Cypriot government, but also to the website of the TRNC "government" in the Northern part of the island.

Internationally, of course, this government is only recognised by Turkey.
Given the vociferous complaints generated by flying the TRNC flag at Arsenal, and the fact that there was a concerted campaign to complain against a Channel Five programme about property in the North of Cyprus, I wonder if the BBC will be on the receiving end of a few emails about that choice of link.
Today's story also links to a "Have Your Say" about Cyprus from 2004, when a referendum on a peace plan was defeated because the Greek Cypriot half of the island voted against it.
At that time, the BBC also opted to link to the TRNC "Government" site - althoug I see now that the old address - - has become a cyber-squatted link to the online dating service

Perhaps the BBC ought to update that old link.