
 by Martin Belam, 25 January 2005

I was very pleased to see that whilst I was away the team have continued to push the creativity of the way they use the promotional space on the bbc.co.uk homepage. Last night it featured a promotion for some new online Sherlock Holmes stories on the BBC Cult site, which revolved through five images representing each of the stories, with a lovely little fade effect as the pictures changed.

Animated Sherlock Holmes promo from the bbc.co.uk homepage

It is a shame that the Cult site is one area that is being re-prioritised post-DCMS review - with online entertainment like Ghosts of Albion, animated Doctor Who and these Sherlock Holmes stories which have been co-produced with BBC7, the team there have been doing some interesting stuff in working out how the BBC might produce original online entertainment content in the future.

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